The St. Mary Church Mural

The road design of Cleveland Centre using sacred geometry.

As above so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.

Real St Marys Map

At Gravity Place the center-point pivots from Columbus Road to Leonard Street shifting the alignments from the road convergence to the St. Mary on-the-Flats church site. Identifying this essential place produces the Phi Ratio in our city. Like a cryptogram, the church is the only structure identified on the Archival Map. The Phi oscillation is the way the circulation moves, spiraling into the still point and out. Depicting the map progression uses laws of sacred geometry orienting our awareness with astrological-physiological matter.

Sir Isaac Newton wrote on the ancient wisdom of pre-Christian Essen philosophers who understood the scriptures were allegories based on the human body, and believed the omnipresence in all things. We are integral just as every point on the circumference finds its place at the center we discover the spiritual meaning hidden in our nature.

Canticle of Mary Magnificat, Anima Mea – Magnificat Dominum

                    “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord”

Here we look to Mary, her benevolent presence “Putting the mind in the heart” is not merely a quaint spiritual metaphor but contains precise information in the psychological understanding of conscious transformation. “Seek ye first the King of heaven- the Kingdom of Heaven is within you” here means “Heaved Up” -a high place, the cerebrum is then, the Kingdom of Heaven for it is within us… like the innocent Christ child, the love of Mother Mary is recognized as divine support, The Pia Matter or tender mother, is the mother substance, pure water, felt flowing and buoyant. She cradles our vulnerability as we grow, the Virgin Immaculate Mother of all things.”

The contact is made through vital experience. Every 28 ½ days the moon rises in celestial rotation. Every 24 hours the zodiac rises every 2 hours; are the Four and Twenty Elders of Revelation. Every 28 ½ days the Life Seed moves, born in or conceived in the Solar Plexus, the Manger, is thus taken up by the gastric nerves and becomes the “Fruit of the Tree of Life.” The fruit is cast upon the waters, circulation, reaching the Penal Gland, uniting with the mineral salts of the body. Within the feeling of stillness, infinite awareness is engaged, incarnating the eternal I.

The adepts knew that the secretion, secretes, from the cerebellum, crown, was the source and cause of the physical expression called man… and the River of Jordan, like the Cuyahoga River, was symbolized in the spinal cord and the Dead Sea, like Lake Erie, symbolized the sacred Plexus where the Jordan ends. The symbolism expresses the cycle of characteristics corresponding to the chemistry of life.

“To him that overcome will I give to eat of the fruit of the “Tree of Life”

Caption in the mural painting reads:                               

” St. Mary’s Catholic Church organized 1826   Commemorating this site where Cleveland’s German and Irish immigrants erected the first Catholic Church. Dedicated in 1840 Our Lady of the Lakes was built on a latin cross floor plan. The greek revival structure was razed in 1888. St Mary is the patron saint of navigation and shipping, she spreads her mantel over the river protecting ships and crew on the voyage.”

Print of Cleveland Centre circa 1850 showing the location of St Mary’s Church on Columbus road.

Now you can learn more about the other two murals in this project   Click here

Project Detail Pages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.